Robot day 2010 is saved!
I don't think I can conjure up words to describe how mind-blowingly awesome that was, so I'm just going to analysis mode...
The way how scale was communicated was done very well. In a movie like this it could be hard to make the audience perceive huge characters in a scale you intended to:
You used close-ups of the characters, as if to show that the robots are so large they couldn't fit into one frame. Another method used was in the long distance shots the characters were lit against the sun, making it seem like the robots could blot out the sun if you were looking at them.
I don't think the movie required sound effects because you used visual methods to convey sound. The way how the feeling of impact was delivered was so visceral that I could easily imagine what it sounded like
However, the story could have been explained better. I had to watch it twice and to read the author's comments to fully understand. Leave the author's comments for something else than the story. Second, if this is a music video, the music could have been more varied and reflected the events a little better.
Little flaws don't count for much when I can say that this is probably one of the best flash movies I have ever seen. No joke.