HAHA! I beat you!
Despite the simplicity of the game's gameplay and presentation, it wasn't repetitive. Expertly done level design made each level unique, despite the fact that only a few tiles were used to create the simple graphical style.
The controls and hit-detection were spot-on, something mandatory for a game like this. Everytime I died, I didn't hate the game for being unfair. I merely laughed at the challenge...
"You jumped 320 times ...only to die miserably 31 times ...and fell of the cliff 49"
It sure was a challenge, but your game didn't beat me. I beat the game. HA! :)
One thing I didn't like was how you had to jump to the top of the screen in some parts. That was something a little unfair, because there wasn't even an arrow at the top to show where my character was.